This chapter takes us into the other aspect of the relationship between Christianity and the Alt-Right. In the previous chapters, we explored the various complications concerning religion among the Alt-Right, and their attempts to articulate a political vision in the context of that complication. In this chapter, we begin to see that when the Alt-Right emerged into public view during the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, and then again in 2017 at the “Unite the Right” rally, American evangelical Protestants came to address the phenomenon in varying ways. Some saw the Alt-Right as a further manifestation of white supremacy that must be fought, while others took a more specific approach. Among the latter were leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention who attempted to get the Convention to specifically denounce the movement as well as the white supremacy it sought to popularize. In both cases, however, the larger issues of social justice and racism in the church became the focus of debates around the Alt-Right.