Jung called the shadow the third dimension of personality and said that modern man has lost touch with his shadow and with his instinctual core. He supplied guideposts for the search for the shadow with his two concepts of mental functions and archetypes. Nonetheless, it remained difficult to recognize these within oneself before Beebe published his eight-function model. Beebe’s model supplied the third dimension of personality type by connecting the two main strands of Jung’s theory: types and archetypes. Jung’s model of eight functions evolved into Myers’ model of sixteen types, which evolved into Beebe’s model containing sixty-four function-archetypes, each representing a way in which the shadow side of personality can manifest. Beebe’s first discovery was the observation that some individuals operated not out of the dominant function but out of its opposite-attitude function. He identified this clinical manifestation as the opposing personality, and it became the basis of his model, according to which each function is shadowed by its opposite-attitude sibling. His model makes visible the trajectory of development for each type and its culmination, when, according to Murray Stein, the functions and archetypes are no longer projected but are seen for what they are.