Western society is bedeviled by unsustainable assumptions that hinder healing the world. Hence modern society has overgrazed pasture, overlogged forests and overfished fisheries. Society extends the false logic implicitly when we ignore the depletion of forests, fisheries and so forth. While we promote endless growth on a finite planet, mainstream society doesn’t think about whether this is fair to future generations, or indeed fair to the rest of life we share this planet with. Tacey points out that: The consumerist society reinforces our shrunken empty status. In fact, many people resisted the throwaway society when it was first promulgated, as they believed in thriftiness. In real terms it is making society worse off, not better and decreasing humanity’s well-being. It is also markedly decreasing the prospects of future human well-being. Society is full of ‘assumptions of hate’. Such a claim may surprise some readers. However, most people understand that racism exists, where some people hate another section of our species.