Judah and Hirah, of Genesis 38, are men of the world who offer readers a biblical version of a well-known phenomenon: powerful men building a friendship based on and supported by the use of women's bodies. Sex is featured at the outset of the narrative, and it will continue to provide a powerful source for male bonding. Bat Shuah's body is necessary to the intimacy that develops between the two men; Tamar's body will serve to strengthen their attachment, one that includes potentially homoerotic elements. The two men will enjoy a shared sexual experience and work together to control the outcome. As close friends, they will protect their influence and each other. In the end, Tamar's vindication only grants her the power to give birth to the sons who will carry on Judah's line. In Genesis 38, we learn that the sexual use of women and their bodies is necessary to the creation and maintenance of male-male friendship.