The rape of Tamar in 2 Samuel 13 reveals how male relationships, male alliances, even male friendships are worked out through the violation of women's bodies. Tamar's rape was not only planned by close companions, it engenders new coalitions. Amnon, Jonadab, Absalom, King David, and unnamed male servants will all play a role; biblical rape culture, too, is maintained by collusion and acquiescence. In this chapter, we witness how the biblical author makes his audience into voyeurs by narrating the rape of Tamar in a pornographic intertwining of food and sex and we learn that the ability to commit sexual violence is a foundation for male friendship in the Hebrew Bible. Male friendship is political, resting on shifting coalitions and on jockeying for honor and control. Planning and perpetrating sexual violence against women helps men bond and establishes rank. In 2 Samuel 13, male hierarchy is inscribed on a woman's raped body.