A well-used strategy at Coombes was the use of people from outside the school on a large scale to enrich the work within. This chapter argues that the critical other serves to enhance the role of the teacher through the provision of a charismatic quality which is becoming increasingly difficult for teachers to provide themselves. This charisma derives from three main sources: qualities emerging from being 'other'; qualities emerging from 'self'; and qualities emerging from 'profession'. The effect of charisma is to inspire and motivate. Critical others played a large part in providing this quality at all stages of the events. The Chippindale Venture in fact, was generated by a group of architects and planners in Winchester, and inspired by the memory of a noted local architect, Frank Chippindale. Critical others do this in teaching to good effect. They cut across routines and rules, contesting institutional hierarchies, introducing novelty and strangeness, providing fresh perspectives, breaking down boundaries, re-establishing the personal.