In the year 30070 a revolutionary discovery took place. It is from that event, and in honour of it, that our present time-scale originates. A man, whose name is lost but who must have been a genius of outstanding proportions for that age, made a discovery of an exceedingly simple kind. In those days there existed a rudimentary science called, ‘psychoanalysis’. The new religion had to establish its superiority to the old, and exhaustive steps were taken to stamp out all evidence of the past. ‘Brain-washing’ was, for example, immensely improved and brought to a very considerable and meritorious degree of efficiency. The expression derived from the same sources from which Money had sprung – namely, the anus. For a time the new religion flourished – reinforced and improved by the psychoanalysts – but greed led some elements to substitute inferior substances like paper for the hard-to-obtain metals such as gold.