The two terms might be employed to describe tendencies, one egocentric, the other socio-centric, which may at any moment be seen to inform groups of impulsive drives in the personality. They are equal in amount and opposite in sign. Thus, if the love impulses are narcissistic at any time, then the hate impulses are social-istic, i.e. directed towards the group. And vice versa; if the hate is directed against an individual as a part of narcissistic tendency, then the group will be loved socialistically. Love of self need not be narcissistic; love of the group need not be social-istic. At one pole is one object: at the other pole an infinitude of objects. At one pole there will be one object to which one group of emotions will be directed: at the other pole a number of emotions will be directed to the infinitude of objects that owe their numbers to a splitting of one object.