Creation isn’t just about producing artefacts for practical or symbolic purposes. We can trace the idea that the act of building is at least equally important to the buildings produced by psychology (E. Becker’s “denial of death”), philosophy (Heidegger), architectural theory (Vitruvius’s places firmitas before utilitas) and anthropology and archeology, with reference to Stonehenge and modern Buddhist practices in Laos.

Creativity is also displayed in use, and most notably in reuse, of buildings as showcased in diverse cases such as the 1970s non-consumerist culture or Santa Maria degli Angeli. The creation of edifices, is concluded, continues long after the completion of their construction.

Moreover, it is pointed out that creativity and aggression often share a common psychological substrate. Creativity involves the destruction of past ways of acting or thinking; Heidegger claimed that violence is inherent to human knowledge as technē-art.