This chapter details the interesting and shadowy story of how Swiss Nazi sympathizer François Genoud came into possession of his table talk manuscript. It shows that Genoud lied about when, and possibly also how, he got hold of it. Moreover, Genoud never had the original documents themselves – only photocopies of them. Instead of him purchasing the manuscript in the summer of 1951, he likely got hold of it already in 1947. The chapter also looks at the publications of Genoud’s two-volume French version of the table talk text in 1952 and 1954 and shows that Genoud made many changes to the text. Genoud even, in some instances, copied Picker’s text. Here we also get to follow that series of trials that were the consequences of the lawsuits that Picker and Genoud brought against each other in their fight to gain sole copyright over the table talks. In connection with this, details regarding how the myth surrounding the table talks, many of which originated with Genoud, are revealed.