This chapter sums up all of the information found in the previous chapters. The three movements of inclusive development are revisited and again engaged through the lens of education. Finally, a way forward is presented. This book aligns with critiques about aid and how it currently stifles creativity and true development. However, the book also presents a new approach to “doing development” and, “doing education” more inclusively, critically, and progressively. This approach aligns with sustainability goals and focuses on aspects of representation, critique of inequity, and redistribution. As informed by the three movements, inclusive development is not about tweaking current practice to allow more people to participate in a superficial way. Rather, inclusive development is about transforming a practice that is long overdue for an overhaul. Whether read as evolution or revolution, the three movements of inclusive development provide a mapping for engaging in development practice progressively and critically. This chapter concludes with connecting movements to education and new ways of considering inclusive development.