Gillian Hanna is an actress and translator. She has worked with the 7:84 company and with Belt and Braces from 1971 to 1975 before co-founding the Monstrous Regiment theatre group in 1975. Hanna worked exclusively within the Regiment from 1975 to 1981/2, and was one of the three original members who actively participated in Regiment management, production and performance until the ACGB (Arts Council of Great Britain)withdrew funding in 1993 and the company was forced to stop working. Since 1982 she has also worked extensively outside the group, winning several awards (1989 Time Out/01 for London, 1990 Manchester Evening News Best Actress for Juno and the Paycock at the Contact Theatre, 1991 Martini/TMA Regional Theatre Awards, Best Actress for Beatrice in Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge at the Royal Exchange, Manchester). Her translations of Dario Fo’s Elizabeth: Almost By Chance a Woman and Franca Rame’s collection of one-woman plays A Woman Alone are published by Methuen. Her history of the company, Monstrous Regiment, A Collective Celebration is published by Nick Hern Books. In 1994 she toured in the Out of Joint/Royal Court/West End production of Sue Townsend’s The Queen and I.