Hitler’s various characterizations of the Jew in Mein Kampf : The Jew is a maggot in a rotting corpse; he is a plague worse than the Black Death of former times; a germ-carrier of the worst sort; mankind’s eternal germ of disunion; the drone which insinuates its way into the rest of mankind; the spider that slowly sucks the people’s blood out of its pores; the pack of rats fighting bloodily among themselves; the parasite in the body of other peoples; the typical parasite; a sponger who, like a harmful bacillus, continues to spread; the eternal bloodsucker; the people’s parasite; the people’s vampire. To protect the master race and the future of mankind, nothing less than the extermination of inferior races was necessary. Thus they carried out the Jewish Holocaust and the Gypsy and Slav genocides. More deadly them famines, plague, floods, and other natural disasters.