The term “eupsychia” is that of the neo-Freudian psychoanalyst A. H. Maslow, which has been used by Frank E. Manuel to designate a kind of Utopian thinking oriented to the release of psychic impulses. In the strong cultural reaction to technocratic modes of thought, with their emphasis on rationality and economizing techniques, there is today the resurgence of emphasis on feeling, sentiment, emotion, and the “natural man” who will live by sensation and impulse, unencumbered by restraint and denial. In this pantheon, the Marquis de Sade is the anti-Christ of the sexual revolution; by the same token, Charles Fourier may be considered its anti-Paul. According to Pythagorean tradition, the Master alone has the gift of actually hearing the music of the spheres, and so, from Fourier, we get only a glimpse, alas, through his cosmogony, of the future glories that await the human race. The vision is a glorious farrago of the heavens.