Architectural academics have also expanded the boundaries of the field by integrating architecture with the urban, which encompasses the social dynamism of urban space and takes both landscape urbanism and ecological urbanism into consideration. Landfills are waste disposal sites and management facilities where organic materials decompose under bio-chemical processes, releasing a mixture of synthetic materials that pollute the natural environment. Landfills have been the subject of concern in diverse disciplines, including geology, civil engineering, environmental studies, public health and ecology, each with different understandings and interpretations. In western landscape architecture and urban studies, researchers have mainly dealt with the subject of landfills as part of strategies for the reclamation designs of closed landfills, which would transform former landfill sites into recreational leisure facilities and heighten the region’s economic value. Research on the issues of unsanitary landfills and their environmental hazards has become a subject of concern for the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.