This chapter provides a discussion on the sense of unease and its relation to place or placelessness. It demonstrates the sense of unease or placelessness perceived in Nanjido Post-Landfill Park. The most essential approach taken to salvage the value of surplus objects and the surplus population is to reclaim the abandoned or hidden value of the material and/or humans and reconstitute them in the existential world where materials endure almost permanently. In the closed landfill sites, as in the case of Nanjido Post-Landfill Park, reclaiming the value of wasted materials and humans requires aesthetic approaches. The terms ‘uneasiness’ and ‘unease’ are often used interchangeably. A look into the history of the discussion on ‘space’, ‘place’, ‘sense of place’ and ‘placelessness’ will help define the concepts of ‘place’ and ‘placelessness’. Photography is the most prevalently used medium for the subject of the landfill or the wasteland.