This chapter represents the fruit of the whole book. The resulted taxonomy of behavioural Statements (BSs) and Behavioural Patterns (BPs), when the model was implemented in a cross-cultural environment, is presented in detail here. The emerged model enhances the work done by Hamlin and colleagues where 12 positive and 28 negative BSs in addition to 16 positive BPs and 21 negative BPs have emerged and then confirmed by the UAE dataset. This chapter also provides a proof that our Adaptive and Sustainable Leadership Model is applicable not only in a cross-cultural work environment but also in workplaces where technology interacts with humans. In the fourth industrial revolution where Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Intelligence are strongly promoted and used, leaders and organisations are required to write the relevant policies and development programmes for their employees to cope with the phase requirements. Being proactive and availing the relevant tools is what this book humbly addresses.