This chapter presents the four catalyst concepts, each of which are linked to a precondition. These are:


Transactional Analysis

Growth Mindset

The Feedback Model

The first catalyst, the ZOUD, is a tool to facilitate uncomfortable discussion. It is a framework that de-personalises discomfort. It signals to people that they are safe to air their thoughts in an ethically mature way.

The second catalyst of Transactional Analysis is where people unconsciously move in and out of three ego-states:




In schools, teachers often fall into parent–child patterns of behaviour which are disempowering and stressful and this chapter demonstrates that the most helpful and productive ego-state is that of adult.

This chapter goes on to explore the detrimental effects of teachers having fixed mindsets on their own development and the progress of pupils. It gives a clear message of the underpinning impact of having a growth mindset on the other three preconditions.

Finally, the chapter turns to look at feedback in schools, noting that it has, in the main, become reduced to specific judgements around teaching practice. Feedback is often associated with negative information about performance.

The chapter argues that feedback is much broader than this and is the ultimate way of showing respect and care in terms of people’s development. To be given in a robustly kind way, which is developmental, feedback needs to be scaffolded and at the optimal level of tension. The Feedback Model is a suggested series of steps to support teachers in giving and receiving feedback.