For Ramananda, nation-building was not merely a national enterprise but an international one as well. For this purpose, he managed to attract contributions from a number of Britons, French, Irish and Americans who were actively supportive of the national movement in India. He also mobilised the journalistic services of a number of Indians who had settled abroad. These men, like Charles Freer Andrews, Romain Rolland, Jabez T. Sunderland, Agnes Smedley, Taraknath Das and Sudhindra Bose propped up the morale of Indians and presented the Indian case to publics in their countries. This was responsible for building up international public opinion in favour of Indian self-rule. To build solidarity between the Indians and the Chinese, Ramananda gave considerable space in his journals to coverage of China’s struggle against Japanese aggression. This chapter takes a detailed look at two of these personalities - Charles Andrews and American radical Agnes Smedley.