A pamphlet which came from unquestionable authority, has endeavoured, strange and incredible as it may appear, to kindle anew the seeds of disunion between the Protestant and the Catholic. The Orange institution has as yet been of short duration, it had its commencement in the North, at a time when religious animosity and republican spirit united to render the Protestant the victim of a short-lived and unnatural coalition between the Dissenter and the Catholic. Catholic privilege is a question of awful importance, the antecedent arrangements are numerous and difficult. Their burdens are neither heavy or intolerant, they ought hardly yet to have recovered from the joyous feelings. The Orangemen were militant Protestants determined to maintain the Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland and to resist any further concessions to the Irish Catholic majority. They particularly resisted demands to allow Catholics to sit in the two houses of parliament or to hold high office in the government.