‘It was not without difficulty that I acquired strength to reach what appeared to me the most secure of these caverns, half a mile from the path by which I had come to the shore; there, however, I observed by the sand and shells strewing its floor, that the sea entered in high tides. It was narrow towards the entrance, but within rose into an high irregular arch, and it went so far back, though still more irregular and ragged, with projecting crags and masses of stone, that I dared not venture to explore the deep obscurity; around, near the entrance, were great piles of flat stones, forming almost natural steps and benches; I contrived to seat myself on one of these, where the projection of another concealed me; a third, a little more raised, served as a pillow for my weary head. Here at least, cried I, the detested voice of Kilbrodie will not reach me; here at least I shall cease to breathe the air, infected by those who occasioned the death of Glenmorris’s child; and here I shall surely be permitted to die unmolested.