Vivian, who had felt oppressed and almost enslaved by his compassion, breathed more freely when he at last found himself in his carriage, driving away / from Gliston bury. His own castle, and the preparations for his mother’s arrival, and for the expected canvass, occupied him so much for the ensuing days, that he had scarcely time to think of lady Julia or of lady Sarah, of Russell or Selina: he could neither reflect on the past, nor anticipate the future; the present, the vulgar present, full of upholsterers, and paper-hangers, and butlers, and grooms, and tenants, and freeholders, and parasites, pressed upon his attention with importunate claims. a The dissolution of parliament took place. Lady Mary Vivian arrived almost as soon as the newspaper that brought this intelligence: with her came a new set of thoughts, all centering in the notion of her son’s consequence in the world, and of his happiness — ideas which were too firmly associated in her mind ever to be separated. She said that she had regretted his having made such a long stay in the country during the last session, because he had missed opportunities of distinguishing himself farther in parliament. The preceding session her ladyship had received gratifying compliments on her son’s talents, and on the figure he had already made in public life; she felt her self-love as well as her affection interested in his continuing his political career with spirit and success. ‘As to the present election,’ she observed, ‘there could be little doubt that he would be re-elected with the assistance of the Glistonbury interest; and,’ added her ladyship, smiling significantly, ‘I fancy your interest is pretty strong in that quarter. The / world has given you by turns to lady Julia and lady Sarah Lidhurst; and I am asked continually which of the lady Lidhursts you are in love with. One of these ladies certainly must be my daughter-in-law; pray, if you know, empower me to say which.’ Lady Mary Vivian spoke but half in earnest, till the extraordinary commotion her words created in her son convinced her that the report had not, now at least, been mistaken.