While Wallace, accompanied by his brave friends, was thus carrying all before him from the Grampian to the Cheviot hills, Bruce was rapidly recovering. His eager wishes seemed to heal his wounds; and on the tenth day after the departure of Wallace, he left that couch which had been beguiled of its irksomeness by the smiling attentions of the tender Isabella. The ensuing sabbath beheld him restored to full vigor; and having imparted his intentions to the Lords Ruthven and Douglas, who were both with him, the next morning he joyfully buckled on his armour. Isabella, when she saw him thus clad, started, and the roses left her cheek. 'I am armed to be your guide to Hunting-tower,' said he, with a look that shewed he read her thoughts. He then called for pen and ink to write to Wallace. The now re-assured Isabella, rejoicing in the glad beams of his brightening eyes, held the standish. As he dipped his pen, he looked up at her with smiles and a grateful tenderness that thrilled to her soul, and made her bend her blushing face to hide emotions which whispered bliss in every beat of her happy heart. Thus, with a spirit which wrapt him in felicity; for victory hailed him from without, and love seemed to woo him to the dearest transports within; he wrote the following letter to Wallace:

'I am now well, my best friend! This day I attend my lovely nurse, with her venerable guardian, to Hunting-tower. Eastward of Perth almost every castle of consequence is yet filled by the Southrons, whom the folly of James Cummin allowed to re-occupy the places whence you had so lately driven them. I go to root them out, to emulate in the north what you are now doing in the south! You shall see me again when the banks of the Spey are as free as you have made the Forth. In all this I am yet Thomas de Longueville. Isabella, the sweet soother of my hours, knows me as no other, for would she not despise the unfamed Bruce? To deserve and win her love as De Longueville, and to marry her as King of Scotland, is the fond hope of your friend and brother Robert — '

'P. S. I shall send you dispatches of my proceedings. - '