There is much system and order in what we see, whether of the visible and, as it is usually styled, the material universe, or the universe of mind. Vegetables are fitted for the sustentation and nourishment of animals. Air is adapted to respiration and the maintenance of life. The earth is clothed with shrubs and trees, with foliage, flowers, and fruits. Life is a mystery which we can neither define nor explain, but which we unequivocally recognise. The efficacy of the seasons is not less deserving of our attention. Spring never fails with every revolving year to produce foliage and flowers. The plant no sooner finds itself subject to the genial beams of the sun, than it owns the power, and becomes informed with new life. The animal creation is more admirable than the vegetable. The symmetry of limbs in animals is adapted to all the purposes which their mode of subsistence requires.