The teachings and conduct of Confucius are recorded in the Lunyu 論語 (Analects, literally “compiled sayings”). Probably written by the second generation of Confucius’s disciples, the Lunyu is undeniably the most famous Confucian classic in the world. Zhu Xi placed the Lunyu as the second book in the Four Books so that learners, having acquired the blueprint of the Confucian way in the Daxue, could proceed to learn about its foundation. This chapter discusses a major educational initiative known as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in light of the philosophy of Confucius. Confucius’s primary concerns and recommendations are very much linked to issues related to sustainable development. A Confucian interpretation of ESD empowers learners to transform society by internalising, being predisposed towards and acting according to ren (an achieved state of humanity) so as to broaden dao (Way). This chapter uses real-life examples such as human responses to the coronavirus pandemic to explain how schools can promote ren to students.