Whilst the bulk of Facebook's revenue derives from advertisements positioned near user's newsfeeds, one of the central features that this social network site facilitates is digital reinvention. In other words, in retrieving already fashioned connections and networks established offline, social network sites undertake the vital work of reinvention through transformations of the digital landscape involving the home page, newsfeed, tagging, uploading and posting. Above all, the new benefits and demands of digital reinvention have sprung up in a world for which networks have become more and more important. In one sense, the reinvention shift inaugurated through globally connected networks of information on the Internet has merely intensified already existing social practices. Indeed, reinvention operates in a different sphere through communication networks and the architecture of the Internet. The arrival of the 2000s and emergence of social media, however, brought with it no equivalent expectation of the powers of digital reinvention.