In Chapter Seven, I unpack the advantages of Rivera’s approach for a number of discussions in International Relations, expanding the possibility of debating about the problem of difference. This chapter shines light on two particularly important benefits that emerge from within the approach created by Rivera. First, the author begins from a cosmology that sustains epistemic equivalence, which prevents arrogant possibilities of elevating single realities, knowers, and projects above “others.” Instead of generalizing a paralyzing form of relativism and the epistemic abys that could be philosophically created from this idea, however, Rivera makes a profession of faith, which sustains the abys while also building a momentary and reflexive possibility of walking in a here/now. Second, the decoloniality that emerges from the author’s idea of a profession of faith prioritizes voices that confront different kinds of privilege and oppression, creating a boundary of praxis that has to constantly listen to different ways of knowing, being, and enacting. That is, the boundary that Rivera constructs includes multiplicity in an intersectional and dynamic sense.