The research period for the second edition ran from March 2019 to March 2020 and involved the analysis of 180 newspapers and magazines from a slightly broader spectrum than that of 2011. Five additional sources were added to the research corpus: Télérama and Paris Match from the field of culture and entertainment; Challenges from the economic world; Valeurs actuelles from the catholic, political right wing; and Charlie Hebdo from the satirical fringe. For copyright reasons we are unable to reproduce the quotes from Le Figaro, L’Express, Libération, and Charlie Hebdo. The cultural references found in these newspapers have been illustrated by quotes from the other publications or, in some rare cases, no quote has been given and the letters ‘QW’ terminate the text: i.e. ‘quote withdrawn’. Beyond the updating of the examples representing the main cultural references, the new book has undergone a number of significant modifications. There are three entirely new chapters consultable at https://www.routledge.com/9780367376758">www.routledge.com/9780367376758:

A chapter bearing on the numerous terms and expressions using the names of animals. This is to be read in conjunction with the chapter on figurative expressions.

An introduction to the language of law. The extent of political corruption in France demands that the reader of the French press possess a basic knowledge of the main indictments, the different courts before which such politicians appear and the various sentences that are handed down.

A comprehensive analysis of the slang one comes across in the press. This chapter is broken down into three parts: the top 100 terms and expressions, a list of the other high-frequency terms, plus a section where the slang has been broken down and grouped into the major themes of slang – police, food, criticism, sex, confusion, the inferiorization of women etc.