The question as to what intelligence is not is worth our attention and we offer in Chapter 2 parallel stories about intelligence and the concept of intelligence, whether one looks at HI, AI, UI, the intelligence of artificial intelligence, the problem of general AI, neuropsychological intelligence and living intelligent networks Intelligence remains a malleable concept with fuzzy stuff all around it. We look at neural learning and human – machine information processing and the fascinating question, is human intelligence culture-dependent?

The concept of intelligence, we argue, is far from definitively understood, and by the time we solve this question, it may turn out that it is not an advantage and not even needed. We also discuss in this chapter that we have AI at our disposal as an intelligent tool, it is also a reflection of human thinking. Its development, types and operation informs us as to how humans think about intelligence. An opportunity to inspect a mental force other than ourselves from an uncommon angle.

In common with all the sections in the book is the provision of enrichment material and ideas, link pathways, and further reading-viewing suggestions.