Emotions, motivations, and instincts unavoidably influence our brains when it comes to pattern generation. AI is so far immune in this respect. The performance of AI is independent of emotions; it can only form its patterns on the basis of what it learns from. In pattern recognition and processing, machines have long since surpassed us. We are extremely efficient in pattern recognition. Machines are able to process a lot of information very rapidly and can therefore use extremely large databases for pattern recognition. The wonderful human brain, however, is able to distil the essence even from relatively little data.

We observe and discuss in this chapter that machines do not have to consciously choose cognition. Machine learning without true understanding is only competence, or simply reactivity, but not self-directed autonomous learning.

Machines don’t learn something in order to avoid some danger or to acquire something that is important for them or perhaps out of curiosity; but just like genetically encoded instincts, their algorithm dictates that they do so.

In common with all the sections in the book is the provision of enrichment material and ideas, link pathways, and further reading-viewing suggestions.