Prana is the root and life principle of the universe. It is the fundamental food of the human body. Wrong breathing brings about pathological results and ninety percent of the serious diseases which attack the human organism, and the human body thus becomes heir to various ailments. Breathing by stopping the nostrils with the finger and the thumb is detrimental and should never be practiced. Breath is the source of all strength. A man takes fifteen breaths a minute making 21,600 breaths per day. The regulated retention of this breath, the life principle, in the bodily system, not only guarantees longevity but assures attainment of power in the etheric, astral and mental bodies to the fullest capacity. In short, breath-regulation in the aperture of the crown of the head is unique meditation. Meditation is the uniformity of knowledge in concentration, which, in the long run, shines with the light of the object alone fully absorbed in it.