When underlying feelings are left unexplored, clients may leave therapy sessions dissatisfied. Practicing with a dynamic emotion focus enables therapists and clients to comprehensively access the client's internal experience, involving mind, body, spirit, emotions, and impulses. Both partners take a “deep dive” toward profound intimacy, leading to a more secure attachment style.

Both the therapist and the client must take risks to access hidden, protected parts of the self. The author advocates for the client's unspoken voices and forms a partnership to work directly with barriers to emotion. This chapter guides therapists wishing to take these risks to provide accelerated relief.

The warrior therapist commits to the following:

Stand solidly alongside the healthy forces within the client

Reinforce client strengths at every opportunity

Shine a light of compassion on hidden parts of the self

Resist allowing time to drift in a session

Ask the tough questions

With permission, sustain an emotion focus and regulate the barriers to closeness

Face our stuck and avoided places