In this chapter, the discussion turns to the idea that empowerment plays the same role as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The discovery of the double helix and of DNA in particular was a crowning event in our understanding of the factors that dictate how our image appears and thinks. Like life itself, the business world has its own version of DNA and this is called empowerment. As DNA is to life, empowerment guides what our organizations look like and how they behave. Let’s look at how this applies to the business world. Mendel discovered that each trait is defined by a gene pair. Likewise, your organization is defined by a unique pair of business “nucleic acids.” Mendel’s Law of Dominance states that one trait will conceal the presence of another trait for the same characteristic. Empowerment means that everyone from the maintenance department to the C-Suite needs to understand how the organization functions.