The Long Weekend and Wilfred Bion’s second volume of his autobiography, All My Sins Remembered: Another Part of a Life, were written when he was in his seventies, but as the record of Bion’s first 50 years, the quotes have been put at the beginning of the book. The Long Weekend begins with his childhood in Muttra in the United Provinces of Northwest India, where Bion’s father was an irrigation engineer. “Bion certainly absorbed a very great amount of Indian culture, much more than most of the colonialist children of the time did, precisely because of the work that his father did". The The Long Weekend's quotes are: Ayah, and Mother’s lap; Arf Arfer; Tiger; India; Arrival at boarding school; Wiggling; Holidays: the Hamiltons; Holidays: the Archers; Munden; and Sublimation. Many years later Bion commented about a woman who had “married a man who had risen from the ranks.