This chapter describes step 2 in Stage 4 of the research design, explaining the use of AMOS graphics to model data from the Cute Numbers and Birthday Cake models of creative problem solving to assess whether they were sufficiently similar to undergo a critical appraisal of their creative processes. It details the confirmatory structural equation modelling (SEM) approach employed to refine the overall model of creative problem solving, and test for similarities and differences within the Cute Numbers and Birthday Cake problem-solving contexts. Multi-group modelling generated an index of good model-to-data correspondence with adequate fit statistics. The refined model was simultaneously tested for model fit with both the Cute Numbers and Birthday Cake data sets, resulting in a high degree of correspondence between them. The single most important confirmation was that, despite processing differences, the feeling of knowing, which results in either slow or rapid illumination guiding subsequent outcomes, was critical to successfully solving each type of problem.