Hypergamy is related to prevalence of heterogeneity and hierarchy within every caste. Although in Indology as well as in law a caste is viewed as a homogeneous group, in reality every caste is heterogeneous. In 1950, the Constitution of independent India, under Part III on Fundamental Rights, declared discrimination on the ground of caste unlawful, and abolished untouchability. In 1950, the Constitution of independent India, under Part III on Fundamental Rights, declared discrimination on the ground of caste unlawful, and abolished untouchability. Under Part IV on Directive Principles of State Policy, it provided for promotion of rights of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. These constitutional provisions raised hopes of progressing faster towards the goal of creating a casteless society. During the independence movement a view had developed that the best way to create a casteless India was to slowly remove the subcastes and amalgamate them. A casteless society is a mirage, and the mirage is moving further away.