There are numerous signs and symptoms exhibited by a woman in the transition stage of labour. The following are some of the more common ones:

The contractions slow and become less frequent prior to a change to more expulsive contractions. If the contractions slow or even stop and don't return, this must be referred to an obstetrician and/or the senior midwife.


Maternal grunting.

Urges to push (NB: these may be early if the fetus is in an occipito posterior position; however, the cervix may not be dilated to 10cm).

Presenting part visible.

Change in the woman's behaviour (may become angry, upset, express concerns of being unable to continue, etc.).

Change of maternal position. Some women turn into a semi-recumbent position drawing their knees up, or become more upright.

Heavy blood-stained show.

Pouting anus or vulval gaping.

Purple/red line at the cleft of the buttocks.

Rhomboid of Michaelas (where the triangular-shaped sacrum is pushed backwards).