In 1995, former employee Robin Wood acquired the rights to once again manufacture some of the classic Electronic Music Studios (EMS) products, which he makes by hand one at a time on special order. The most popular portable EMS synthesizer was the Synthi AKS, also featuring the membrane keyboard but, more importantly, a portable version of the 256-step digital sequencer found on the Synthi. This machine was snapped up by many popular artists, including Jean-Michel Jarre, David Bowie, Tangerine Dream, and Yes. The fortunes of EMS peaked around 1972, when portable synths were in demand, and the company employed 60 workers in its manufacturing facilities around London. Several more innovative but quirky products were released by EMS in the 1970s. These included several variations on the VCS3, including the Synthi A, the “briefcase synth.” The fortunes of EMS peaked around 1972, when portable synths were in demand, and the company employed 60 workers in its manufacturing facilities around London.