Violin playing by Alfredo Campoli is a joy of exquisite clarity. For the 1946/1947 season Alfredo was taken up by the entrepreneur Harold Fielding. One of the critics noted that the name of the violinist was simply billed 'Campoli', without any additional name either on the placard or on the programme. Yet undoubtedly Campoli's chief rival was Yehudi Menuhin, who after many performances in London as a visiting artist settled there permanently in 1959. Injustice would be done to Mr. Campoli by saying that his performance of the Bach Chaconne was a brilliant tour de force. The music gave every opportunity to show off Mr Campoli's clean and dazzling technique and mellow tone. In the light of Campoli's already overwhelming success with his audiences and critics at that time, it would seem that the British Broadcasting Corporation Music Department was either blind or deaf to what was going on outside Broadcasting House.