The first chapter sets the stage for How to Survive a Robot Invasion. It addresses three introductory items that are necessary to frame the analysis and the investigation that follows. 1) The first task involves defining the term “robot.” Although the word derives from and has been developed in science fiction, what is and what is not a robot is something that needs to be clearly described and characterized. 2) The same is true of the “robot invasion,” which is not something that transpires as we have imagined it in science fiction, with a marauding army of evil-minded androids either descending from the heavens or rising up in revolt against their human masters. It is an already occurring event with machines of various configurations and capabilities coming to take up influential and important positions in our world through a slow but steady incursion. 3) The third and final section of the introductory chapter formulates the two questions that organize the inquiry and provides an overview of the chapters that follow.