Much of the literature on Sweden refers to a "Swedish model". There are numerous views as to what this represents: a mode of regulation (Lane, 1991); pragmatism in policy development (Heclo and Madsen, 1987); compromise, consensus and corporatism (Sainsbury, 1991); public sector expansion and a universal welfare state (Premfors, 1991). The model is also portrayed as one that has provided women with considerable gender equality. Eduards has argued that the Swedish "gender model" includes a conception of equality in the labour market, the home and the political decision-making process, which has made it easier for women to put demands onto the political agenda. But Eduards suggests this conception of equality, while appearing gender-neutral in form, has left unchallenged the possible existence of a conflict of interests between women and men (Eduards, 1991, pp. 169-170).