Any production observed over an infinitely small amount of time gives an infinitely small product. Apparently clear, the relation between production and time is in reality subtle and even unsettling. Posited in infinitely divisible time, production was a fiction; it only existed in the imagination of scientists, without any relation to the reality of facts. The analyses are closed on themselves, the first and primordial act of the economy being grasped in a chimera, “continuous” production or, identically, the production continuum. After having discovered production in quantum time, it is observed that expenditures, especially monetary ones, answer the same definition. In no place on the planet, is production, even the smallest, placed in continuous time. In economics, any expenditure is a production and any production is an expenditure. The domestic economy is therefore based on one unique operation, defined in the indivisible time: production, or, identically expenditure.