In the age of the Internet, filmic adaptations undergo fascinating mutations, evoked in terms such as “sampling,” “remix,” “sweding” and “mash-up.” Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin propose the term “remediation” to account for the ways that “new digital media” gain their cultural significance by absorbing and refashioning earlier media and artistic practices. All arts and media and texts flirt with the various “sister arts” and in this sense could be said to be incestuously and polyandrously “inside” one another. The producers maintain social media accounts for the characters, who interact and produce Facebook posts about their lives. A cause for optimism about the future of literature is found in phenomena like Def Poetry Jam on Cable TV, slam poetry, and now the Instagram poets who work at the intersection of artistic media and technologies by combining words and images. The age of the Internet opens up rich pedagogical possibilities.