At the time of the preparation of the manuscript of this book, in mid-2018, political commentators were discussing four powerful potential forces that could change all businesses: “populism, protectionism, religious extremism, and nativism.” Relating specifically to the aviation industry, two reports containing forecasts of the aviation activity, Future of the Airline Industry 2035 and European Aviation in 2040, provide four potential scenarios, each in the contexts of geopolitics and data environments (an IATA report) 1 and the perspective of Europe, inward vs. outward and adaptable vs. less adaptable (a Eurocontrol report). 2 Depending on the direction of these higher-level forces on a global level, the aviation industry could be impacted in favorable or unfavorable ways. However, placing extreme scenarios on one side, this concluding chapter provides a perspective, based on a narrower viewpoint of the two sets of forces discussed in this book, as to what is on the horizon for the aviation industry and how to stay ahead of the transformation curve.