The system can power the entire island for three days without sunlight and recharges within seven hours. Within the Ukraine’s Chernobyl exclusion zone, two Chinese companies are building a solar farm that will produce a gigawatt of electricity, enough to power 700,000 homes. Governance arrangements are undermined by the law, which has failed to protect where technology impacts. Within that, specific legal reforms that would underpin technological sustainability include a recognition of non-human rights. The case studies imply that it would benefit transparency and accountability if the military were restrained and re-oriented. This indicates financial restraint so that military technologies are properly scrutinised rather than authorised under pressure of a competitive arms contest. Some inter-government and global institutions exist, but lack coordinated placement within a governance structure. The planetary boundaries indicate where technologies are most critical in the quest for sustainability. Although questioned as to their scale, they are extensively cited and recognised by major global organisations.