There are many books and guides offering ideas for outdoor learning, yet the understanding of its theoretical and philosophical underpinnings is limited. This chapter aims to provide this knowledge and understanding of the role of nature in children’s learning and development, where the pedagogy of nature is not just a type of outdoor play, but about playing with nature and not just in nature. The pioneering 19th century educator and founder of the kindergarten, Fredrich Frobel, was one of the first to explore nature as essential for children. The historical perspectives earlier have provided much reasoning of the essential role of nature in children’s well-being, development, and learning. The movement towards learning in nature, which started in the Scandinavian countries through the concept of forest schools, is expanding internationally, especially in the field of early childhood education and care. R. Louv suggests that ‘nature inspires creativity in a child by demanding visualization and the full use of the senses’.