The C.A.R.E. project set itselt the task of exploring options in the education of people engaged in community action and associated social or political activities, and also more widely amongst the working class population as a whole. Massive social and political changes, innumerable generalised threats and unresolved economic insecurity have combined to unnerve many previous certainties. The dominance of European and American global interests was increasingly seen as imperialism and was met by a surge of nationalist politics, both in the poorest countries and in the heartlands of prosperity. The development of an integrated economic and social system, inextricable from a complicated fabric of global exchanges, is part of a predominantly European tradition of secular rationalism in philosophy and capitalist production in economics. The remedy for Illich involves restoring an educative character to the entirety of social life. People must recognise the possibilities for learning from all aspects of their existence and the circumstances that surround them.