Friedrich Nietzsche is justly credited for having invented what came to be known as perspectivism, as well as for relativizing truth, particularly when the latter is adorned with a capital ‘T’. The difference with a Nietzsche-inspired methodology is that the latter has potentially inbuilt the dispositive for its own undoing. In Nietzsche’s thought, perspectivism represents the peak of an existential stance that had gradually matured from his early writings of the 1870s. Nietzsche’s remarkable trajectory can help the therapeutic endeavour clear some of the clutter accumulated over more than a century. Nietzsche’s deconstructive process is painstaking; it resists all final accounts of ‘human nature’ and of any ground that may help bolster it – be it God, the cogito, bodily intuition or even felt sense. The direct ‘enemy’ of Nietzsche’s perspectivism bears the same name: dogmatism. Nietzsche certainly thought of it as the highest form of affirmation that is ever possible.