This chapter builds upon the foundation established in Chapter 5, which outlined the basic training a prospective CAI team should undergo in preparation for assessment leading to credentialing. The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview for readers of settings and client profiles for which the CAI team requires additional, more extensive training and assessment in order to optimally support client well-being. This chapter begins by defining a specialized context, provides arguments for why additional training for CAI teams is warranted within these contexts, and then provides illustrations of the additional training required for work in varied, specialized environments, including educational, law enforcement, and health care settings. The aim here is not to highlight the benefits of CAIs within each of these contexts, recognizing that for some of these contexts there is not yet corresponding empirical evidence to support CAIs within these settings, but rather to present to readers the complexities of CAI teams working in varied, nuanced environments and to provoke thinking around placing CAI teams in novel settings.