The practice of opium eating in some of its forms is pervading this country to an alarming extent. The preponderance of evidence is positive that the evil is rapidly on the increase. The opium habit is one quite easily formed, the primary effect being rather pleasing than otherwise, acting as a stimulant which invigorates and quickens the senses, animates the spirits, gives energy to the intellect which is followed by calmness and placidity of mind. The habit of eating opium, as it is termed, is a vice that all strive to conceal. To have it whispered that he or she is an opium eater gives to many the impression that the individual is living in another world, a world of wonderful dreams and strange experiences. Opium in some of its forms is often innocently and thoughtlessly suggested by a friend for the relief of insomnia or some slight pain, as toothache, and earache. Frequently the habit is thus thoughtlessly acquired.